API Reference
Lazy Solver

Class: Generator

The LazySolver class represents a Sudoku solver that generates all possible solutions lazily.


new LazySolver(config: { size: number, clues: Grid }): LazySolver

Creates a new instance of the LazySolver class with the specified configuration. The size parameter is a number that is used by the generator to generate puzzles. The size number is currently limited from 2 to 7.

  • Parameters
    • config: An object that specifies the size of the puzzle and the initial clues for the puzzle.
      • size: The size of the puzzle (e.g., 3 for a 9x9 puzzle).
      • clues: An array of arrays that represents the initial clues for the puzzle. Each inner array represents a row of the puzzle, and each element in the inner array represents a cell in the row. The value of each element should be either a number from 1 to size^2 (the maximum value of a cell in the puzzle), or 0 to indicate an empty cell.

Instance Properties

generator: Generator<SolveResult, null, unknown>

A javascript generator object that generates solutions to the Sudoku puzzle lazily. If there is no solution left, generator object return null.